Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dining room plus a new dumpster

The dining room has had some cleaning done, a few contractor garbage bags tossed out along with a record cabinet. The corner cabinets and the top of the hutch are in the garage awaiting removal by persons interested. In these first few pix you can see most of the room emptied and awaiting cleaning.  Natalie has attacked the wall with a scrub brush and ZEP Citrus Degreaser as a test.

The table with the radio on it is still in place because the cat owns that table, it's her table, her window.

Nat came over yesterday and went to work, she scrubbed the dining room ceiling and walls, leaving me the job of patching the holes and seams (which I have yet to do)

The above photo is of the wall with the water damaged sheet rock and window. We are going to paint over all of that for now, Ripping out a window and sill and possibly more is something best left for weather that having a hole through the wall won't cause a great deal of discomfort. 

I was tired of wanting to toss things and having no place to do so. I called and another thirty yard dumpster dropped off, this time in the back yard. (perhaps it will cut down on the community use).

Natalie went right to work, the night before she had asked what to get rid of...and she did.

The floor has returned.

There is still more heading out the door, it will leave from the basement, the attic bedroom, the spare room, the den, and the room that isn't a room, just a crawl space.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cleaning out the dining room and inspecting work needed

Leaking 220amp AC unit damage. will be paint repaired only. When weather warms, window and wall work will be replaced.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tuesday, digging washing and cutting

Stepped out of the shower this morning to the sound of the back door opening. Natalie was there at 7:30 ready to get to work in the house. I was getting ready to go for a doctors appointment and then work.  I don't know what time she gets up, but...well....To get up, do her thing, (which probably included going for a morning run), then driving 25 minutes south to come here and go to work....she's , well...amazing I guess would be the word.
These were taken after the Video cabinet was moved upstairs

While I was at work she emptied out the Hutch and packed it all in boxes,  Removed wall decorations, moved the paint cabinet, which probably meant emptying it and refilling it. Scrubbed the walls, cleaned off the table and carried the boxes downstairs to the basement. Once there she decided to clean under the stairs where the boxes were to go and never came back up. She cleaned up 30 years of piled tools, hardware and debris off and under the workbench, cleaned out the shelves along the wall of more accumulated tools junk and hardware and swept the place.

She was gone by the time I got home.

I finished up the moldings along the living room stair case, did some laundry, sorted mail, pulled the hutch out cleaned behind it, and took it apart. I was going to drop it in the front yard for anyone who wants it to grab it, but have decided to sell it in a yard sale this spring, so it will be headed to the basement for now.

Monday, January 12, 2015

the weekend

The mouldings are done on the left side of the stairs leaving only three pieces left to do on the right and then the riser painting

I experimented with dual mouldings for stringers but with advise of others stayed with only one.

Jeffrey and I went out for sushi leaving Natalie at the house, we were gone for about an hour, coming back we found she had emptied the video cabinet and moved the box and the cabinet to the base of the stairs. She also started cleaning what is without a doubt the most disgusting room of the house, the future game room. She really tore it up and you can actually see the floor now. Her and Jeffrey moved the cabinet and videos upstairs.

She also worked on the dining room cleaning out items so as to get ready to paint. It was at this time she found out what in all the time I lived there, never knew. The corner cabinets have no backs to them, they are a fascia and a skeleton only, the rooms walls make the back of the cabinets.

most of the items in them have been removed, once they are totally empty they will probably heading for the dumpster.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Multi tasking without work

Back to work on the house, Natalie came over yesterday while I was at work and went right to work. Because I still can't kneel she attacked the stairwell. She scrubbed and sanded all the treads then masked them off and sealed the gaps and painted the stringers, plus she finished the wall coat at the top of the stairs.

coming home from work was like waking up Christmas morning, she says, a Christmas elf stopped by and did the work.

This means tonight (after the appraiser leaves) I can stain, cut and install the mouldings finishing up that work for the living room. What will be left is the doors and trim at the top of the stairs and the ombre' on the risers.

Last night I picked up the lights, wire, boxes, receptacles and 
switches for the garage. So that area should be attacked soon by Doug Young and the charger will be able to be hooked up for the bikes.