Monday, December 5, 2016

A step back a bit and across the stairwell to the other room

The plan was to have sanded the floor and sealed it as it is, sort of a plain pine board floor. But I ran into an issue with that, first, while doing the sanding I had a few splinters come up off the board edges. These, if you were walking with bare feet would be anywhere from 2 to 5 inch spears in the bottom of a foot. this would probably be undesirable. Second, the flooring doesn't exactly meet, some boards are right up against each other, others have gaps. A couple of these gaps were about a 1/4 wide, so anything spilled on that floor (game room, something sooner or later will spill), would end up staining the ceiling below.  So it looks like I will be placing some sort of inexpensive under laying and floor, probably vinyl roll style. Since  I have no cash for that at present I have decided to leave it alone and move on. I am moving the shelves back in and securing them. This will allow me to get boxes of DVDs and games out of the den on the first floor and on the shelves out of the way.