Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Back at it...the Living room

Seeing as it was the last day of vacation and problems with the leg kept me from riding the Iron Adventure, I figured it was time to get something done on the house. So I called Julie the night before and asked for a hand. She arrived, child in tow, at just about 10am, we set right to work...going to the diner for breakfast. I had a healthy meal of philly cheese steak and eggs. 

Done we headed to the house, the first order of business was to move the kitchen table, then move the recliner into the kitchen. Getting rid of two end tables made it possible to move the couch back and forth as needed to keep it out of harms way. Julie taped off the wood area above the fire place as I started painting the ceiling.  One of the old fire heat sensors is still in place but the system supporting it is long, long gone. Instead of removing it cutting the wires and patching the hole it would leave we decided to mask it off. It now adds to the nostalgia and matches the 1960's era alarm box that was it's master in the kitchen.

Cleaned up the ceiling painting went fairly quickly, as did the trim work. As I started painting I realized  that the paint we were using was flat paint. I had wanted semi gloss to hold the pattern with the kitchen and give the room a little more reflected light. I also realized at this time that I only had 1 gallon of paint, not enough to do two coats. Julie, finished with the trim work, grabbed another rollercicle (roller on a stick) and started on the ceiling as well. I left her to it and took the kid for a ride to get more paint. At the paint store (True value), I decided to get the semigloss for the second coat. I also bought an AC unit for the living room and a small roller cart.

Arriving back home I decided the flat ceiling looked pretty good and mentioned that to Julie, knowing I just bought semi-gloss she just rolled her eyes at me.

 Since I had the Semi in hand we applied that for the second coat. As I started painting that, Julie started scrubbing down the east wall of the room. If we could get the ceiling and one wall done this day I would be happy. The west wall will require a patch.

Julie took over the ceiling as I got the wall paint ready. As I washed out the brushes and changed roller heads I heard a distinctive "Oh Shit" from the living room. Honestly I expected to find she had either got paint on the couch or tipped the paint can over on the hardwood floor. Neither of which would have made me particularly happy. What I found instead pissed me off. The ceiling had been patched and sanded two days prior, the section the issue was in was sanded almost a week earlier. As dry as it should have been, when the roller passed over the line, three nail head fills came off with the roller. 

I decided to leave that area as it was and continue on, With the rest of the ceiling and upper trim done, we began the walls. Originally I thought I had chosen a Peach tint paint, that orangy pinkish red and a light beige paint for the trim work. looking through the paint cans we found three gallons of Wheat and one gallon of peachtree. So perhaps it was the other way around. I shook up and opened the Wheat, expecting to find something along the color of, I don't know, a wheat field? What I found instead was an off white. So off was this white that it resembled the unpainted dirty white walls. As a matter of fact I took a brush out and hit two walls with it, you couldn't tell the difference. So, I decided to paint the Peachtree as the main color on the walls and an antique or brown egg shell for the trim. This would require picking up more paint but it would allow the one wall to be completed. As we started to apply this main paint to the walls I was shocked by the "Pinkness", I told julie I don't think this is a cool color for a guys house, it was a little too pink. This is when she yelled at me, something about how many times she would have to repaint this house if we panicked every time I looked at wet paint. (We went through this in the bedroom also). I took her advise, shut my mouth and continued painting. Once again she was right, dry, the paint loses it's bright "I'm a PINK wall" look and settles down to a calming white with a pinkish hue. Julie, as all this was going on, had changed jobs, She was scrubbing the walls, so much so in fact that she finished all the walls except for the staircase area because that area was blocked off with debris we had shifted from everywhere else.

 Ceiling done, except those three holes which I need to re-patch and repaint, Wall done, first coat except trim work. At this point I stopped, After seeing the results of the fill material and wet paint on the ceiling I decided I will leave the second coat off until the first coat sets up really well.

Julie set off to work at three, I moved the couch to an angle in the middle of the room and reran the cable wire so, for now, I have Tv and Wireless service.

Tomorrow, I will patch the hole in the opposite wall and do the second coat on the first and do the trim work, once I find an appropriate trim color.

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