Saturday, March 19, 2016

I foresee a rocky future

The other day Nat asked what color I want for the upstairs room, I told her, she's the one living in it, pick out the colors.

The plan is for her to move in, now here's the issues I see...

          Nat                                        Me
  Ambitious, workaholic   -       Lazy and content
  Neat and organized       -      Can't even remember                                                                                                                 to bring in the mail
  Works Rotation-ally (FD)   -    Regular schedule
  Non Smoker                   -     Chimney
  Frugal                          -       Impulse buyer
  Exercise and Healthy foods -  Love all things FAT

So picture if you will, me sitting in a recliner in a tee shirt and my underwear, drinking Cruzan Rum and Jack Daniels, Smoking up a storm, trash cans over flowing, in front of a 50" TV playing Call of Duty with the surround sound cranked up, she is trying to sleep in the next room after working three continuous 12 hour tours at the firehouse.

How long before things come to a head do you think?

At least I will have one argument going for me,
"You bought me the surround system, if I don't use it, it would be a waste of your money".

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