Friday, June 9, 2017

South room, 2nd floor

Laminate floor - number two floor

If anyone tells you these just flip, hook- tap - drop and lock....Ask them if they are sure.

It appears that the thin flooring does just that, angle it up, hook it on, tap to drop, tap to lock. The real thick planks, which you would think you be The corners ride up instead of locking. the tightening bar, with plastic hammer slides the board along but then lifts small ridges on the end the plank which if you don't trim them off, foul the next piece going on. I am not sure if it a manufacturer issue or just because the panels are thicker. We are using Home Depots Home Decorators laminates, we started last night at 5:15pm,
the last photo below was taken at 9:15pm

Four hours, seven rows.  We should have been drinking a coffee with our feet up two hours earlier


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