Saturday, April 16, 2016

Lumber and Gypsum

Because of it being that time of year (Income Tax) I ran out of wood but was unable to purchase any more. Yesterday I was finally able to buy more 1x6x12s and a couple 1x8x8 boards. So I should be able to get all the shelves cut and assembled for upstairs. 

Once done and painted, all that will leave to do there is mount the shelves sections together and to the walls, vacuum the area and work on the floor. I would like to be able to put down the cushioned linoleum floors, but at this time the price for that and the under-flooring is a little more than I can do.  So i the meantime the floor will be sanded and sealed.

The next purchase will be 14 sheets of sheet rock and a few rolls of insulation. This will allow me to get the garage walls done, painted and have the corner cabinets installed, which in turn will allow me to toss the old hutch top section in the dumpster. I would toss it now but then the helmets heated gear and other assorted motorcycle riding type stuff would be on the floor.

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