Friday, February 27, 2015

the last few days have to do with boxes and trash

In the evenings I find that I am just standing in a second floor room looking around lost. I am currently boxing good stuff to move across the way and tossing out bad stuff that needs to go to the dumpster. The problem is you see, I know what the GOOD stuff is, and I can tell what the BAD stuff is, the problem comes with the stuff that doesn't fit either title. It's not something I want to keep, but it's not bad enough to be trash. So is it worth keeping because it is still good, or should I toss it because I don't need it.

What I have decided to do is simple, box the stuff I know I want to keep and move it to the other room, Toss the stuff I don't want to keep, and everything left that I am not sure of, will go in "Special Boxes" the boxes are labeled "Stuff". In this way I can move it all across the hall to storage and get current the room sanded and ready for painting. Then when I get the time, or the inclination to, I can go through those boxes slowly and see what needs to be saved, or if it turns out I am not inclined to go through them, I can toss them down the stairs for junk.

It's sort of a systematic manner of procrastinating.

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