Sunday, February 15, 2015

Weekend of the 14th

The Dining room has received all the paint it is going to. I came home to find Nat had touched up the areas that needed touching and gave the place a second coat and painted all the trim.

Even the area we will be ripping out and replacing has been painted for the time being.

The stairway still needs to have the risers painted and the Dining room floor still needs scrubbing and resealing, but work has moved to the second floor. The Spare room has long been full of accumulated junk from years of collecting, Nat and I started digging it out, not to work on the room but to make an area for the old Bedroom across the hall to be packed and stored in.

With an area cleaned out it was time to start packing, emptying and moving.

Inside this box was material and clothe, but down at the bottom was a souvenir from an earlier time.

Nat was dressed for the occasion, It probably paid off pretty good considering the painting she did and the 20 or so Contractor bags of trash she hauled downstairs, through the house, out through the snow and emptied into the dumpster.

Oh yeah, the souvenir...

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