Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's always something...

This morning I decided to clean the toilet, Once and a while you have to do this, or else anyone who visits won't be back, I squeezed the angle bottle of partially liquid, partially gelatin cleanser in the bowl, whipped out the brush, gave it a quick once over, then flushed it clear. 

Except it didn't flush, instead of that whoosh sound we have all come to appreciate, what I heard was a "tink" and a "plook". 

 Letting go, the handle just kind of flopped down instead of returning to it's desired position. Looking inside the tank I could see the link arm had rusted off and dropped to the bottom. So I reached down inside to pull the chain lifting the vent cap.  Floosh. 
 Now there was another little thing to add to the rest of the little things that I had to do. This little thing, went to the head of the list though, because it is just one of those little things that you want to work properly.

A word to the wise, those fancy porcelain looking handles with the brass looking rod...aren't any better than the cheap plastic ones you can buy. It may look like brass when you install it, but pot metal is pot metal. back in the day's of American Know how and pride in workmanship...(Looooooong Gone) things like this lasted forever. Nowadays, you buy something, expensive or not, it's all junk. We have become a nation of want it now replace it later.

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