Friday, August 29, 2014


I came home today to find four boxes sitting in my vestibule. Which also reminded me, since I rarely use the front door, that I still have to paint the entrance way.
 The boxes contained the new lamps I ordered to match the leaf/vine pattern of the mouldings. The fact that there were four boxes and all were the same size, small, was not lost on me. The lamps I ordered were two table top and two standing, which after seeing the boxes foretold of, "Some assembly required", not my favorite phrase. 

Because the room is still a "work in process" (actually the entire house is), the work being done means, working on any one part of the building requires moving furniture, tools and supplies to another area of the room.

 I assembled two lamps, one tall, one short and found they went together really easy and without any drama.
This was not the case with the replacement ceiling fixture I picked up at Home Depot. I wanted a different design fixture than the one that was already in place and I found two that had a pattern close to the lamp styles, unfortunately the depth these two lamps hung down meant that either the closet and vestibule doors remain shut or the lamp would only last until one of these doors was opened. I opened the box to install the fixture and found that the one item that holds the glass shade in place, the cap nut, was not included in the box, so that unit will be going with me tomorrow back to Home Depot.

Speaking of moving and storing furniture, if you look into the kitchen you will notice a living room recliner and laundry stacked. the kitchen table is pushed back against the stove. If you could see the dining room to the right....Well, You can't really walk into that room right now.

The table end visible to the right is a folding work table with all the plastering, sandind, and painting supplies on it. The item in photo center is a step stool.

Notice in the Kitchen the counter area is still in the old yellow paint, once the Living room is done, the dining room will be the next project, this counter joins the kitchen with that room.

For a quick idea of shifting tools, supplies, and junk around, the photo below is of the living room opposite the couch.

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