Thursday, April 9, 2015

Still working upstairs...

I am still in the process of working on the game room, and the vestibule is still waiting for paint, for that matter there is still a ton of things in every room we have painted that still needs doing, Some of the things are simple like putting shelves up or cleaning up some trim work, others, like the dining room window are more involved. In between are things like cleaning and painting the interior of the kitchen cabinets. The list gore on and on, with every major item that is completed there are numerous small things that need to be addressed. Then occasionally there are things that aren't really on a to-do list, they are just items that get done because I have the money at that instant or I decide to take care of an extra.

The other day I went to Home Depot to pick up cleaning supplies for the upstairs and while I was there I also picked up a couple Westinghouse ceiling light mount bars and a couple glass ceiling light domes. I installed one dome over the kitchen sink, 

As you can see, this window still needs painting (later to be replaced by a thermal unit), and the trim on the left needs cleaning up.
With that dome in place I am thinking about changing the plastic dome on the ceiling fan to match.

Another item was to add a little decor, I have picked up some art for the Dining room, the motif is Maine Lobstering. When I was young the family went to Jonesport Maine every year, specifically, Sandy River Beach. The entire area is part of the Bay of Fundy which has extreme tide changes. 

While searching for that type of art online, I came across a photo I had to purchase, The photo was taken from the deck at our old cabin of Mink island.

I temporarily have two Instamatic pictures hanging from the photos base taken around 1972.

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