Tuesday, November 25, 2014

NO GAS!!!!

Friday morning I threw a load of clothes from the washer into the dryer and a load of clothes into the washer, then went to work.

Laaaaater that day, I came home from work, took a set of Pork chops out of the fridge (boneless) grabbed some frozen peas and a couple potatoes for mashed potatoes and set the items on the counter. I headed down into the basement to pull the dryer clothes and move the others over. As I walked down the stairs I noticed that the dryer was running, nine hours of running. There was no warmth to the clothes but they were dry, I decided to walk upstairs and check the oven....no gas.

I called the Gas Company and because I do not have gas heat they would not make a delivery until "they said", Monday morning. 

Monday morning I did not go to work, I cut a moulding for installation, as I was mounting the gas company called and said they would be there in the afternoon, I complained. I went to work, at noon I left work and went home to wait for them, the arrived at 2:45pm.

Why did I post all that useless information, becauuuuuuse, 
being home, allowed me to get all the furniture moved, the mouldings installed along the baseboard, the mantle stained, and a few other tid-bits taken care of. I was going to build the television stand, but....the floor needs work and I don't want to have to move a stand with glass shelves (heavy) once it's in place.

I miss television.

Stairwell Ombre

The stair case risers will be paint ombre, First I want to know why Hombre and ombre are pronounced the same and second...what one has to do with the other.

When the treads are cleaned, possibly sanded, and re-stained, the up stairs doors and trim are painted, the ceiling at the top of the stairs gets a second coat, and stringers are repainted, Natalie will be painting the risers, just like seen below...

OK, that's a lie, 

They will be painted is a color progression, dark up towards light, based, (unlike the examples below) on the orangy brown woodish color of the wood trim.

Thinking about having the girls wear their painting clothes, so spills and splatters won't show..

Monday, November 24, 2014

Landings and Treads and Balusters...oh my

Work to do...the balusters need paint, The stringers need paint, The lower wall needs paint, the stairway walls need paint, The lower wall needs moulding cut and installed, the stairwell doors and trim need paint. The Newel Post needs paint...


Having brought the television upstairs I had a great incentive to get some work done.
Balusters..1 coat...

Balusters and lower wall completed

Stairway walls under attack

First coat on the stringer top

Second coat on stringer top and thin moulding applied

:Lower mouldings applied

Stairwell walls completed

Upper doors and trim, Tread sanding and staining, Stringer painting, Moulding placement, and riser ombre, are still needed. 

As far as the Living Room goes, there is just three moulding left to place, which I starred this morning (another story). The mantle trim needs staining and the floor cleaned (scrubbed) and coated.

A note here, Compact Florescent bulbs are not really compact, just the base is narrower, the bulbs themselves will not fit behind a glass shield.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Stinking, hungry and dirty or cold clean

I decided to cook some pork chops, a little mashed taters, some green beans...

I turned on the stove and nuttin.

Out of Gas

I called the gas company, they don't deliver on Saturdays unless the house is heated by gas.

So no food; gas stove
no washing dishes, or myself, Gas water heater
no laundry, gas dryer

And, I have to take Monday morning off and wait for the delivery because they wont turn the gas on without checking pilot lights.

It's gonna be one of those days...

For me it started yesterday, alright, actually it started last night, after I got home from the Motorcycle Club. I parked the car in the driveway, walked into the house, emptied my pockets, I hate walking around the house with a wallet and keys. As I walked down the hall I noticed that my right foot was slipping a bit, I looked down and noticed blood, blood and meat particles, I looked behind me and saw there was a trail of blood goop on the floor, I walked outside, scraped off the slime, came back in mopped the floor, then told the cat thank you for bringing me a dead thing and leaving it on my steps, (they do that). I am not sure what the animal was, because she had enjoyed he diner before she brought me home her left overs.

I swept off one of two new stairway treads in preparation for staining, I decided to stain the third shelf up, this turned out to be a good decision. I have to say, the step came out fantastic and I will have to sand the rest and re-stain them all, it looks that good. As I stepped back to compare it to the original stain I hooked the gallon, it flipped over and stained the two steps below the new tread and the living room floor. A entire roll of paper towels later and that mess was cleaned up and left to dry.

 I, at this time, have to declare that I always gave cats more credit than I guess I should have. You would think a cat, being as defensive and cautious as they are, would be able to smell the stain, be able to realize it's paws were wet with something that smells and tastes bad, and yet my cat went up and down the stair case about ten times having to lick her pads every time. I tried to block the area off, but cats can jump pretty high and are experts at negotiating obstacles. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday Morn

Woke up this morning, disconnected the television and cable, pulled the table out to the middle of the room and reconnected the wireless router. The television will move upstairs this afternoon and the table to the den. This gives me access to paint the balusters and staircase wall. With that section painted all it will leave is the base board add on mouldings.  

I removed the closet door so I can trim the moulding back on an angle so the door will actually open once it's back in place. 

Last night I stopped at Home Depot, (again). I went to pick up the vestibule and window trim paint, (matching a sample of the blinds for color. I also took a piece of the old stairway tread with me and matched the stain. The way it looks instead of simply staining the new treads I will probably be sanding and staining all the treads. 

As with any trip to the Depot I usually end up coming out the door with more than I intended, last night it was a 8100 series Dremel tool and a Dremel Saw Max.

And since it was on sale, a Milwaukee tough box

Not for my Sawzall, that has a box, this now houses my circular saw.

Which for some unknown reason came in a cardboard box with no case.

I may stop back over tonight though, I need to pickup some "Free" paint stirrers...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sunday with Natalie

It's funny how you don't think about the things you don't see, I planned the Living room, what to paint, what trim to add, what furniture I wanted, but it isn't until you get to a spot that you realize, there's more to do. Case in point, the closet at the bottom of the stairs, I took the door off to paint it and add the trim, then I noticed, the inside. It has never seen paint.

So, a few more candidates for the dumpster, some sweeping and some painting.  Trimmed...
First coat...


The new chair arrived, Swivel Tub, which gave me a reason to put the last floor lamp together, I now have four vine lamps, 2 floor and two table, unfortunately, since I have only one three way bulb at this time, the other lamps operate as: on, on, on, off.

I painted the closet door as if it weren't there, with the amount of mouldings in the corner, the addition of this doors trim in brown would have made the area look like a squared off EKG printout.
The bottom moulding I extended out on each side, so much so on the left, the door doesn't open and the hinge pin won't go in. This will be fixed this evening with a simple 1/8" trim.

As I was finishing up the door trim Nat arrived, her first object of attack was the stairs, she caulked all the seems in preparation of paint and stain, Then she moved up to the top and sealed the corners

This leaves moving the television and table out, and putting a second coat on that wall, painting the balusters and finishing the mouldings. The stairs will wait a bit. So Nat went into assault mode and the dining room has been stripped out a bit, we dumped about 10 garbage cans worth of collected collectibles and trash. She is seen here, pulling crap out of the Hutch.

You may not know it, but compared to what it was, this room is a thousand percent emptier. 

One little side note, when we painted the kitchen we cleaned up the security system box cover, (still yellowed) But the cover for the door bell system could not be found.

Well... she found it...

 1960 Welcome back.