Tuesday, November 25, 2014

NO GAS!!!!

Friday morning I threw a load of clothes from the washer into the dryer and a load of clothes into the washer, then went to work.

Laaaaater that day, I came home from work, took a set of Pork chops out of the fridge (boneless) grabbed some frozen peas and a couple potatoes for mashed potatoes and set the items on the counter. I headed down into the basement to pull the dryer clothes and move the others over. As I walked down the stairs I noticed that the dryer was running, nine hours of running. There was no warmth to the clothes but they were dry, I decided to walk upstairs and check the oven....no gas.

I called the Gas Company and because I do not have gas heat they would not make a delivery until "they said", Monday morning. 

Monday morning I did not go to work, I cut a moulding for installation, as I was mounting the gas company called and said they would be there in the afternoon, I complained. I went to work, at noon I left work and went home to wait for them, the arrived at 2:45pm.

Why did I post all that useless information, becauuuuuuse, 
being home, allowed me to get all the furniture moved, the mouldings installed along the baseboard, the mantle stained, and a few other tid-bits taken care of. I was going to build the television stand, but....the floor needs work and I don't want to have to move a stand with glass shelves (heavy) once it's in place.

I miss television.

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