Friday, May 23, 2014

The next move I wasn't sure was necessary...

The next item on the list was the kitchen ceiling, now the ceiling was originally gloss white, over the years it had dulled down a bit. The ceiling was still gloss, but with the dingy yellow walls and under layers of cooking grease from a gas stove with a non functioning exhaust hood, the ceiling to me looked off white, sort of metallic gray white. I considered not painting it. Natalie informed me that it needed painting and since it had to be painted before the walls could be done, Natalie does not use tape, she edges by hand, I had better get going on it. The first step was to wash them down, She did a bit of this when I was at work. As a matter of fact, when I came home that day I found she had scrubbed all the kitchen walls and cabinets. She and Julie had scrubbed all the cabinet doors. In case you are not aware of this, it is incredibly difficult to inform someone you are not going to scrub or paint a ceiling after they have spent a day scrubbing walls and the outer edge of the ceiling. So that evening I scrubbed the ceiling and after it dried I put down the first coat of Serene blue paint. 

The first coat showed me two things, was going to need more coats.... Second and more starteling to me was the color of the old ceiling paint... it was orange grunge.

The second coat really showed the Serene Blue.
 (photos below is against unpainted dining room). 

So much for what I thought needed and didn't need doing.

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